Friday, November 16, 2007

Wait, Who's Irresponsible?

A few days ago, President Bush vetoed a $606 billion health and education spending bill. Included in this bill was spending for heating/energy assistance for the poor, education, veterans' care, health research funding, and job training.

Why would Bush veto such a bill that had garnered bi-partisan support?

To answer that, we may just have to whip out the sound-bite detector:


After vetoing the bill, Bush criticized Congress by saying this:

"Their majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility, but so far it is acting like a teenager with a new credit card," Bush's speech excerpts read.

So, when Bush said that the Democrat-led Congress is "acting like a teenager with a new credit card" he is implying that Congress is recklessly spending its daddy's hard-earned money on trivialities like, new shoes, video games, and- oh yeah, health research for cancer, education, and heating for the poor. You know, because when Bush's Republican-led Congress spent $1.3 trillion on necessities like Bush's wars and $197 billion in Bush's tax cuts that mainly benefit the rich, it has spent its daddy's hard-earned money responsibly.

In all seriousness, I don't think big government and huge spending bills for domestic programs are the answer to all of our nation's problems. I have direct experience with our slow, often-times inefficient government bureaucracy everyday. But for this President to accuse others of acting fiscally irresponsibly with our tax dollars pretty much defines hypocrisy. And, if I had my druthers about where my tax dollars were going, they would be going towards health research and education. Not military contractors and weapons manufacturers.

Not that my humble opinion by itself matters to our "compassionate" conservative President.

Click here to help the health and education bill get a veto-proof majority.

Oh yeah, and this:

430 days, 12 hours, and 8 minutes.

But who's counting?

[Shoutout to Vieve for the heads-up on this veto!]

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