Friday, February 29, 2008

Crispy Fucking Chicken

What follows is a case in point as to why I cannot take the fundamentalist Christians seriously when they claim they are just trying to make the world a better place.

According to the always-entertaining conservative World Net Daily "A billboard campaign for 'Crispy Frickin' Chicken' is ruffling the feathers of a Pennsylvania couple who believe the word 'frickin' is a 'euphemism for fornication.'" And, according to World Net Daily's super-duper scientific, poorly-worded, and suggestive poll, the large majority of its readers who voted don't appreciate this "obscene" ad. About 15% found nothing wrong with the ad.

Seriously? This is what some people care about?

Of all the issues this couple could have brought to light- the mistreatment of chickens in factory farms, the high rates of obesity that fast-food and crispy chicken sandwiches contribute to, or heck, even the low wages that the restaurant workers are often paid- they chose to wage war against a word that may or may not be obscene.

Family values? Give me a frickin' break, gosh darnit.

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