Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ken Hutcherson's Choice

In May 2005, virulent anti-gay Ken Hutcherson said the following:

"You tell me what I went through as an African-American, when they talk about discrimination, compared to what gays go through with discrimination - it's the difference between night and day, not even close. I even get upset when people say, 'Well, you got to understand what they go through.' Not when they've chosen to do what they do. They can stop choosing what to do what they do, and they can hide it anytime they want. They can hide their homosexuality. Could I take a 'don't ask don't tell' policy as an African-American? I could try even to pretend I was Puerto Rican, but I'm still going to get blasted for my skin color" (emphasis added).

In short, this man who believes same-sex marriage is "the greatest danger to America," is extremely offended at comparisons between the LGBT rights movement and the civil rights movement because, supposedly, gay people "choose" to be gay and gayness is not readily apparent.

In December 2009, in an article entitled "Christians are the new Negro," Ken Hutcherson said this:

"Many reading this may not understand where I came up with this concept of calling Christians 'the new Negro.'

The reason is because there are undeniable similarities. Jim Crow laws were passed to keep me from having my constitutional rights and my rights under the Declaration of Independence of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Even though the Constitution gave me those freedoms, man was smart enough to be able to keep me from living those freedoms by saying I was 'separate but equal.'"

Perhaps Ken needs to be reminded that he can choose to stop believing in Christianity. He can hide it anytime he wants. He can hide his Christianity. He could even try to pretend he was an atheist.

Special Christian double-standards aside, it is clear that Ken's article serves another purpose other than feeding into that paranoid Christian persecution complex that convinces millions of people that they're oppressed if other people's winter holidays are also mentioned around ChRiStMaStImE!

Speaking as a black man to a mostly white, rightwing conservative audience that opposes LGBT equality and also likely opposes measures of racial progress, Hutcherson acts as Authoritative Expert On Black People. Using his racial identity as a weapon, he justifies the already-existing homobigotry in this audience by displaying rage, rage I tell you!, at the very notion that the LGBT rights struggle might be similar to the civil rights one.

Perhaps Ken and his cohorts require the assistance of an ex-Christian program to alleviate the suffering that their choices have caused them.

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