Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's Okay, He Was Just Quoting the Bible

Does it ever get awkward when, like, anti-equality groups feel the need to defend other anti-equality folks who say really abhorrent things?

Last week, Rev. Robert Anderson, a Baptist preacher, was on a panel discussing Maryland's same-sex marriage law. While on this panel he said that people who engage in same-sex sex are "worthy of death" and that:“If we don’t vote against [the same-sex marriage law], than we are approving these things that are worthy of death."

He was, apparently, quoting the Bible.

Which, to that I'd say, if your Bible suggests that two people engaging in same-sex sexual behavior is a capital offense, maybe it's time to re-think your interpretation, alleged "god's word," and/or entire religion.

I don't expect that to happen, of course.

What I do think is interesting is how Derek McCoy of the anti-equality group Maryland Marriage Alliance frames the convo:
“Any attempt to imply that Dr. Anderson’s reading of scripture was a call to harm gays and lesbians is false and serves as a distraction from the real issues of this campaign. The Maryland Marriage Alliance No on Question 6 campaign has been and remains focused on explaining to voters the good that marriage does for society, and the consequences that have occurred when marriage has been redefined elsewhere. From the beginning, we have been deeply committed to civility and honor the value of everyone’s human rights. Scripture tells us that all God’s children are made in his image and likeness, and we are called to speak truth through love. We continue to deplore violence or bullying against any person and or group of people on either side of this issue. [Emphasis Added]”
Just wondering, at what point does it become acceptable, in the minds of anti-equality advocates, to call speech bigoted, uncivil, and hateful?  Does such bigotry, incivility, and hatred ever exist against LGBT people, in their eyes?

When, if ever, will anti-equality advocates stop suggesting that our legitimate fear, pain, and suffering brought about by such cruel words is a mere political ploy enacted to distract people from so-called "real issues"?

I suggest that maybe, just maybe, the purported real issues of this campaign are inextricably linked to this purported side issue.  When anti-equality advocates understand that, they will have more credibility with respect to their claim that they're just Deeply Concerned About the Consequences of Redefining Marriage.

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