Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Letting Equality Opponents Speak For Themselves

[Content note: homobigotry]

One of perhaps the most intriguing aspects of the same-sex marriage debate in the US is the trend of equality opponents insisting that homobigotry is a made-up figment of queer people's imaginations.

In an article entitled "Lawmakers review plan to declare voters 'bigots'" posted on WorldNetDaily, Bob Unruh warns:
"A legal team specializing in civil rights, faith and freedom issues has written a letter to members of the Illinois legislature, warning that the new 'Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act' isn't all about 'freedom' and 'fairness.' 
It's about labeling constituents bigots, according to a statement from the attorneys at the Thomas More Society."
Now, ever since Judge Walker found Prop 8 to be unconstitutional, those who dedicate their professional livelihoods to opposing marriage have really amped up the message that it's totally unfair and inaccurate for opponents of same-sex marriage to be called bigots.

More and more, it's almost like the same-sex marriage debate isn't even about the alleged, vague, and non-specific harms of same-sex marriage on children or families anymore.  It's like it's becoming more about the angst and anxiety prominent opponents of same-sex marriage are now feeling about the ever-more-real possibility of them being remembered as being on the wrong side of history.  It's about the self-centered view that even more important than equality or inequality, protecting marriage, or saving children, are the reputations of same-sex marriage opponents.

Now, you'll notice that I didn't link to the WorldNetDaily piece. That was intentional. I don't support WND's, erm, "business model." So, if you have a pressing need to read it in full and you're reading this blog, I'll just assume you possess the necessary skills to find the article if you wish.

I also don't often write about WND pieces because, really, what's the point other than to be like, "Wow, some writer at WND said something bad again. Welp, must be Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday!"

And, I also don't think it's like a huge surprise that homobigots don't like to be called bigots.  I mean, even members of the KKK get all offended when people call them racist, so.

I'm more writing this piece for future generations, just so it goes down in whatever cyber-archives exist.

Dear future people, in article at a site frequented by opponents of same-sex marriage in which the thesis was that it is unwarranted and unjustifiable for opponents of same-sex marriage to be called bigots, the very first comments on the article are:


Not all same-sex marriage opponents speak this frankly about their opinions on queer people.

Not all same-sex marriage opponents even hold such beliefs.

But, the truth is, many of them do.

Although several organized anti-equality groups in the US now put a relatively civil veneer on opposition to same-sex marriage, it is rank bigotry like the above comments that continue do most of the legwork. That same-sex marriage had a history of losing in ballot initiatives prior to 2012 unprecedented success has not been due, in my opinion, to the brilliant genius arguments of so-called marriage defenders.

It has been due, rather, to bigotry- the simple belief that queer people are gross abominations who are not quite human.

Although such beliefs are becoming more rare, they are not yet rare.

We find that when we let many opponents of same-sex marriage speak for themselves, in their own Internet forums amongst themselves without the benefit of mindful PR campaigns carefully parsing the message, lots of voters go out and earn that bigot label.

Still. In 2013.

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