Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Why I Listen To Hillary

Over at Shakesville, I shared my thoughts on some of the gross reactions to Hillary Clinton's book and why I choose to listen to her rather than demand that she go away forever.

Check it out:
"Almost a year ago, I wrote about how I think often about the silence demanded of marginalized people so that other people don't have to feel badly about being bigots. I still think about it, and most specifically about all the heavy lifting that silence does in service of false and one-sided political narratives, particularly the narrative that has developed since the 2016 election: In the wake of one of the most brutally misogynistic, racist, and xenophobic campaigns in recent history, Hillary Clinton needs to blame herself entirely for the loss,before walking into the woods to live at Grey Garden the rest of her life.

Meanwhile, Amazon currently carries no less than two dozen books that have already, less than a year later, been published about the 2016 election. The vast majority of these are written by men. Do we think these books thoroughly detail the events of the 2016 election? What are the odds that these men have keen insight into the nuances of misogyny, racism, and xenophobia that those across the political spectrum employed to help deliver Trump's win? Are these voices truly the only perspectives needed to shed light on what happened?"
Head on over to Shakesville to read the whole thing!

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