Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I Can't Stop Thinking About This

From The Wall Street Journal:
"No code is kept more under wraps at Walt Disney World and Disneyland than the call for a 'HEPA cleanup.' It means that, once again, a park guest has scattered the cremated ashes of a loved one somewhere in the park, and an ultrafine (or 'HEPA') vacuum cleaner is needed to suck them up.
Disney custodians say it happens about once a month."
I'm sure custodians at Disney encounter a lot of weird shit, but I'd think it would be at least somewhat traumatic to have to regularly and unexpectedly vacuum human remains during the course of one's job.

But, I also imagine it could be disturbing for the grieving to scatter their love one's ashes only to have them vacuumed up.

Anyway, it got me thinking, what other unusual places might people do this? State and national parks seems obvious, but I imagine some people probably surreptitiously leave ashes at sports arenas, stadiums, and fields. This probably happens much more than people realize, such as tourist attractions, favorite restaurants, and stores, right?

Oh, I'm being serious,by the way. I need actual ideas. I'm not saying this to elicit sympathy, but I have my mom's ashes and I don't know what to do with them as she didn't leave her wishes, and now enough time has passed that it's getting weird, so why not ask the Internet because what could go wrong?

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