Friday, April 19, 2019

Deep Thought of the Day

Yes, I'm ignoring a really big fucking elephant in the room that is the Mueller Report, but I don't know what else to say, really, other than that I'm sick to death of "I have to get the first, hottest take even before I read the entire report" being the norm among professional journalists. Yesterday, NPR was having reporters fumble through the report live, on-air pointing out bits and pieces they thought were maybe, perhaps, possibly important?

We don't need a fucking hot take - don't we get enough of that from Twitter? - and certainly not from public radio that is supposed to be better than the rest. We need facts and accountability. We need an honest narrative of what happened.

Talk about stuff, or whatever. Like, at what point do we just quit our jobs, buy a VW bus, and cross-country road trip it before the Oh-pocalypse?

Woo. I'm delirious.

If you're Hillary Clinton right now, how are you not just drinking vodka out of the cat dish all day long?

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