Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The White Male Establishment Will Not Save Us

The New York Times front page on March 25, 2019:

"MUELLER FINDS NO TRUMP-RUSSIA CONSPIRACY" is blasted in all-caps bold across the front page.

The New York Times front page on April 30, 2019:

A somewhat less conspicuous title, "Mueller Objected to Barr's Description of Russia Investigation's Findings."

Now, if Mueller objected to Barr's description, what might that say about how Mueller might feel about the accuracy of the paper of record, among many others, amplifying Barr's framing of his report?

Also, if a person obstructs a full investigation into whether a crime occurred - which it appears Trump did - and that investigation subsequently isn't able to establish that the crime occurred, is it actually an exoneration?

Factually, it is not. But, these are post-fact times and so many in our media are failing us. 

Also, this part of the latter NYT story made me chuckle and then cry (emphasis added):
"A central issue in the simmering dispute is how the public’s understanding of the Mueller report has been shaped since the special counsel ended his investigation and delivered his 448-page report on March 22 to the attorney general, his boss and longtime friend."
Goddess help anyone who thought a pair of Republican buddy-bros were going to pop in like Batman and Robin and save us from the misogynist white nationalist nightmare running our country. It's Mueller Time, indeed.

I like to think of this political moment we're in as America's Hindenberg era, particularly as those on the moderate-to-left side of the political spectrum act completely enamored with the notion that some elderly white establishment statesmen or another is going to save us. Mueller. Biden. Bernie.

What if, instead, we are the heroes we need. What if the conditions that led to Trump are varied and multi-faceted and cannot simply be solved by replacing one old white man with another?

We should be the streets right now demanding justice, as part of a mass movement. Why are we not?

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