Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fannie's Room Blog Disclaimer and Terms

Before reading, commenting, reproducing, linking to or otherwise using this blog, you accept the following terms of use. If you do not accept these terms of use, please do not use this blog:

1. Opinions

Posts and comments that I write in Fannie's Room are my opinion and mine alone. It is not my intention to cause harm to any person or group of persons. My opinion as expressed herein consists of my own personal views, is my responsibility, and is not the responsibility or representative of any employer I may have, any client of mine, any membership organization I belong to, any other feminist, any other lesbian, any other attorney, any other vegetarian, any other woman, my co-workers, my partner, my sibling(s), my parents, my friends, or my pets.

2. Comment Moderation

My comment policy can be read here.

Courts have held bloggers liable for comments that other people have posted on a blog. As such, while I encourage people to post comments that add to a discussion, I may delete comments to keep out questionable or litigious matters. This is not censorship; it is for my own legal protection. By commenting Fannie's Room, you agree to this condition.

3. Accuracy and Validity

We all make mistakes. My overall intention in blogging is to do no harm. While I do not intend to make mistakes or write erroneous information in Fannie's Room, I will correct errors if I discover them or if they are brought to my attention.

Furthermore, blog content here, as at any blog, may not necessarily remain accurate over time. For one, due to the transitory nature of the web pages, embedded links in my blog posts may change or disappear. Although I make corrections when I come across these changes and the links are generally valid when I embed them in my posts, I am not responsible for the continued accuracy of content that I link to. Furthermore, I am in no way responsible for content that I link to.

Along those lines, I reserve the right to edit, modify, and delete any of my own blog posts. This includes deleting or modifying my own blog posts that I deem to be petty, invalid, erroneous, or otherwise unsatisfactory. As a writer, I sometimes read older articles of mine and cringe at what I believe to be my own poor writing or reasoning process. What makes us better writers and thinkers is always keeping an open mind and a desire to improve. In short, I have the right to change my work if it is no longer reflective of my current opinions, beliefs, or thoughts.

4. Copyright

Since I've had a blog, I've had the interesting and unfortunate experience of people lifting entire posts of mine and pasting it into blogs for commercial purposes. I've also had people opposed to what I'm saying lift my content without attribution or providing a direct link to Fannie's Room. Thus, I've chosen to protect my work under the following Creative Commons License:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

In addition, I do request that if people provide quotations of mine, they do so while providing a link back to my blog post (or at least provide a good reason for not doing so). If you cite quotes of my it is courteous to allow your readers to read the entirety of what I have written.

5. No Attorney-Client Relationship

Because I am an attorney and some of the information in Fannie's Room sometimes relates to legal topics, you understand and agree that use of this blog does not create an attorney-client relationship. By using the blog, you agree that the information on this blog does not constitute legal or other professional advice and no attorney-client or other relationship is created between you and me. Reading this blog is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed in your state. The content in Fannie's Room may not always reflect the most recent legal developments.

6. Prohibited Actions

You may not use this blog for anything other than a lawful and legitimate purpose. I reserve the right to limit or deny your use of this blog, take civil action, or refer you to the proper criminal authorities, if you violate these terms and conditions or engage in behavior that is unlawful, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate.

7. Non-Commercial Nature

I run this blog strictly for non-commercial purposes. I receive no monetary compensation for the posts I write, nor do I allow advertisements on this blog.

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