Friday, July 12, 2013

Schadenfreude Moment of the Week

As I've continued to mull over the recent gay-related Supreme Court victories regarding DOMA and (sorta) Prop 8, I've gotten a bit of satisfaction about how the Regnerus study did not successfully sway the Court's majority even though public records show that the study's release was timed to influence major Supreme Court decisions.

According to The American Independent, the conservative Witherspoon Institute paid about $700,000 for the study.

Gosh, that must be really sad for the study's biggest fans.

The Regnerus New Family Structure Study 
American College of Pediatricians Misuses Regnerus Study in Amicus Brief 
Journal Audit Finds Severe Flaws in Regnerus Study 
Regnerus Speaks at Ruth Institute Conference

Scholars Critique Regnerus Study
Regnerus: Same-Sex Marriage Will Change Heterosexual Marriage
Fischer: "Underground Railroad" Needed to Rescue Children in Gay Families

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