Thursday, March 6, 2008

Play Me a Tiny Violin

I recently learned via World Net Daily, a very concerned news organization for gender discrimination [insert laughter], that a man is suing the Colorado Rockies because he was denied a "Ladies' Night" ticket to a ballgame.

Can I begin this article with a big thank you to World Net Daily for highlighting this grave injustice. Men all over America suffer nightly due to this unfair special right that women in society sometimes receive.

But let's let denied lady, Charles Horner, explain what such injustice means to hir:

"I felt like I got a bad deal. My rights were genuinely denied. Why should I pay $5 [while women are admitted free] just because I'm a guy? Women are growing up these days feeling they are entitled to favors. I believe that this entitlement mentality is counterproductive to the social goals of an egalitarian society."

It's just not fair. Women are totally entitled what with all this demanding of equality after thousands of years of oppression. Nope, it's not fair at all to male patrons when businesses try to bring in more women for men to enjoy at social events by enticing women with lower entrance fees.

And while Chuck is at it, why stop at this lawsuit? This outrage demands more action!

1. Perhaps Mr. Horner can ask for a raise at work to help cover the cost of his impending litigation and subsequent cases of "ladies' night" discrimination. Even though women are still paid only about 77 cents per every dollar a man makes, a form of discrimination that affects millions of women, it all evens out in the end because women sometimes get to go to baseball games and bars for free. And because men who negotiate for more money at work are viewed as "nicer" than women who do so, Chuck can be confident that he will still be liked after he asks for a raise!

Chuck should be pleased, however, that he doesn't have a wage discrimination case on his hands. Thanks to a recent Supreme Court decision, it is now more difficult for women (and men) to bring wage discrimination cases before a court. I'm sure Lilly Ledbetter asked herself many times why she should be paid less than men for the exact same work. But unlike Mr. Horner's discrimination case, Lilly Ledbetter has no recourse for the years of gender discrimination that were committed against her.

Phew! Right Chuck?

2. Or maybe Mr. Horner should write to his local newspaper, or Sports Illustrated, perhaps. They should be sympathetic. As, I can now read every sports section in every newspaper in America and about 90% of the articles will be about male athletes. And then, if and when I read about women in Sports Illustrated it will be in the swimsuit edition which only reinforces that women are to be looked at and not taken seriously as athletes. Surely Charles can find some sympathy from fellow "wronged" male sports fans.

3. Mr. Horner could also write to Congress. As currently, only 16% of Congress members are women he's sure to find a sympathetic ear in male Congresspersons who have suffered the indignities of being forced to pay full price for entry to an event.

4. But why stop at Congress when he could go directly to the Executive branch and perhaps get some sort of signing statement from President Bush? You know, one of the very few male presidents we've had in our long history of presidents.

Go for it, World Net Daily and Charles Horner! Well-behaved men rarely make history!

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